Refugium questions


Reefing newb
Sorry if this sounds like a silly question, but what exactly is a refugium? I think I understand it's purpose, but don't really know how to set one up. I've looked around this site and haven't found a thread dedicated to refugiums. Sorry if I missed it. CFould someone lead me in the right direction?
a refugium(fuge) is another tank that serves as your filtration for your system. it is where you grow your macro algae to absrob nitrates and such. usually remotely located away or at the bottom of your main/display tank. some hobbyist use their fuge to house sea horses as well. i have a few pipe fish on my fuge. the reason i have them in there is for the low flow the fuge has.
sory about the drawing(i'm not an artist)

in is from your tank then the return is where your pump will be. you want water to flow from the tank to the skimmer section then it will split into two, a slow flow goes to the fuge and more flow to the return section or you can have all water pass the fuge then to the return. the 3 line between the in and return are baffles so if you want all water to pass the fuge then place the baffles in between the fuge and input area. and the broken lines are teeth in the divider or you can also use a baffle here. hope this helps.