Refugium Construction

OK, here is what I have so far:


Still waiting on the airline tubing, and I need to fix the rubber around the collection container. I got my first bunch of cheato. I actually have critters now in the fuge. :)
i want to put one on mine. I would not be able to see it from the back though. Is there anyway you can view it from through the tank?
i want to put one on mine. I would not be able to see it from the back though. Is there anyway you can view it from through the tank?
I guess you could if you dont have your tank painted or and tape on back ground. The fuge will get funky looking after a few weeks. Mine is about 3 weeks old and it has a lot of brown algae on the sides of it. I think this is happening because I changed my substrate just before I put on the fuge. So I have a diatom bloom in there. Anyway from what I have been told about fuges you just leave them alone so its not gonna be a showplace or anything in a short time. My cheato has more then doubled in size in the 2 1/2 to 3 weeks its been running.
Copepods show many different ways of feeding. Some eat tiny floating plants such as diatoms and algae. Others filter small particles from the water. Some species can capture and eat relative large animals or feed on decaying matter. Parasites on certain fish live on the inside of the gill covers and suck the fish’s blood. Bottom living species pick up particles directly with their mouthparts.

See full article:
Section B - Copepods
so im guessing Tiger pods eat algae....or filter water?:D i guess i could read the article, but its more fun to talk about it. :bounce: thanx dcan!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tiger pods eat algae. On the bottle of tiger pods they have instructions on how to feed them. The same company I bought mine from sell a "food" for pods. I dint buy it figured there was enough algae in my fuge for them to eat.
OK Ted, the top layer of water in the fuge is not moving. It has a thin layer of God knows what and it doesn't seem to be moving. I can see good water movement in the lower area of the fuge and the water is very clean and the cheato is growing. What do I do about the top layer?
use a protine skimmer.

if that top layer is skummy and kinda looks like oil in the rain then thats what the protine skimmer is supposed to be taking out.
Hmm thats strange. On mine the water flows just fine. The cheato likes to float up to the top. And the water skims off the top as it flows into the box area that the outlet pipe is in. How high is the water in your fuge? I will try to get a pic posted of it when the light are on in the tank.
I hooked up the airline to the skimmer and it seems to be better today. I will keep an eye on it. I bought some pods and poured them in and haven't seen anything yet. Should I be able to see them swimming around? There is a small one on my cheato but that is it. I also have a bristle worm in the fuge. Should I take him out? He looks creapy to me. Maybe hitchhiked on the LR :)