

Reefing newb
hey guys i was wandering what type of refractometer i should get i had one before but i dropped it by accendent :frustrat: and the prism broke i was wandering what type to get and that is good price doesnt really matter thansk for answering.
ok thanks but this sounds stupid but what should i use to test my salinity since i dont have anything to test it
yes i no it sounds stupid.
i just got a refractometer from the drs' website, its the $45 blue one... my only complaint about it is that i wish the divisions between the lines are a little hard for me to see... wish they were a little farther apart, like if the entire instrument had less total range kinda thing.. but i dont even know if they make them like that.
i just got a refractometer from the drs' website, its the $45 blue one... my only complaint about it is that i wish the divisions between the lines are a little hard for me to see... wish they were a little farther apart, like if the entire instrument had less total range kinda thing.. but i dont even know if they make them like that.

Maybe a new pair of glasses?:mrgreen: I have the same one and I can see them fine. Did you try adjusting the focus on the end close to your eye?

BTW it comes with a nice padded case to store it in.