red back..

i got a phosphate remover filter pad...and did a big water rid of my bioballs...add live it true that bioballs trap alot of bad things..

The phosphate pads don't do squat. Go get some phosban, put it in the media bag that comes with it, and place it in some flow. Some place like in your overflow.
+1 to all above!! That's what my tank looked like in the first few months. Listen to the folks here. I had cured my own rock, so I was real good at removing and scrubbing when necessary! The cyano vacuums up real easy. I have oolyte sand so I used Nassarius snails and a Diamond Goby to keep it cleaned and stirred. It will clear up fast with good maintenance and water changes. It helped my tank!
If you haven't made changes to your maintenance habits or the nutrient export, the cyano wont go anywhere. I've been battling the same thing. I recently added a media reactor to my sump, and running phosphate removal media has started to turn the tide on the red plague in my tank
up your water changes to x2 per week (5% each water change) and minimize your lights (both for just a few weeks), feed less and DONT use tap water.

Cyano is a phase - at least it was a phase for me, i havent seen it for a good 1-2 first it seemed like its a never ending struggle, but it really does go away. After a while you can feed the tank less and i think thats a big reason why i dont have any algae at the moment. I feed once a week or your tank matures, fish just seem to find their own food...plenty of pods, etc...
Are you worried about your tattoos? Or the water?
Because the ink won't hurt your water... and the water shouldn't hurt your ink so long as you dry off and lotion back up after you have your arm in the tank.