Reefing newb
I don't like the way I have my rocks in my tank. I have been reading about the art of aqua scraping and learning some things I did not know or consider at the time of tank setup. The tank is maybe 3 months old now. I am going to attempt to redo it along with a water change tomorrow. I am going to try engineering the rocks a little with saw , drill and rods together for a different look. I also want to make it more maintenance friendly as well. I may pull the rocks out and the fish. Remove some of the corals from the rocks I have and will have to remount them. If anyone has any ideas on how to go about it best would be great.
What I will do before doing anything to the tank is get some dry rock that I can cut up a little drill holes in and try to place some rods into it for a base. The use some of my live stuff I have in the tank already to add to it. I hope to not get a cycle going again. Do you think this is possible if. Use dry rock and only put the live rock I have back in and not adding any new live Rock. I want to get it away from the asides and the back wall . I figure I need to do this soon if I am going to do it while its still a fairly young tank.i may not ever be completely happy with what I do but I can do better. I'm finding I'm picky I guess .
What I will do before doing anything to the tank is get some dry rock that I can cut up a little drill holes in and try to place some rods into it for a base. The use some of my live stuff I have in the tank already to add to it. I hope to not get a cycle going again. Do you think this is possible if. Use dry rock and only put the live rock I have back in and not adding any new live Rock. I want to get it away from the asides and the back wall . I figure I need to do this soon if I am going to do it while its still a fairly young tank.i may not ever be completely happy with what I do but I can do better. I'm finding I'm picky I guess .