Real octopus in my house :)

thanks MCR, its definitely not good, but ill get him going on things now that he is understanding saltwater a bit!
hmm... you could always try to find a pump made especially for jellies octopi... i know they have them online somewhere I just can't remember where to find them...

oh btw, if you guys try to attempt another one a great way to keep them in the tank is to put a strip of astroturf around the rim of the lid.... they can't get a grip on the stuff :)
Ill have to look into that sharkie, and will be an option when i build a bigger tank for the octo :D

Reef, i didnt know you were attracted to my brother :shock:
i'm not going to lie... i envy you! the octopus is what got me to want a fish tank in the first place. i think i still want to get a lot more experience before i consider getting one though. thanks for posting! :D
No problem rocky, ill be trying them again one day! but not for a while.

reef, we now all know your secret, stop digging a hole ;)