ready to give up....

others have yelled at me for telling other to do that but i know many more that do water changes only every 3 to 4 months but i dose with seachem reef complete and reef carbonate to keep things were they need to be and i don't do sps so my stuff not calcium demanding. I don't keep many fish, only what i need to keep tank clean of algae and pest under control. I keep tangs, wrasse, and gobies + a clown fish in each tank cause there cool.
ok got the uv hooked up

since im going to go away for three days, im putting the lights on a three hour cycle 1 time a day, and im leaving the tank wrapped in a sheet, so when the lights are out they are really out

i will update when i get back

thanks for all the help everyone
finally clear

put my lights on a four hour on 20 hour off cycle
kept the tank wrapped in a sheet
hooked up the UV filter

got home
crystal clear
hopefully it will stay that way

thanks for all the advice:bounce:
no overheating problems

i dont have a canopy on my tank i have glass tops, so i took the plastic pieces off the back of the glass tops for heat venting

i also did not cover any part of my light, i guess to be clear i really only covered the front and sides of the tank with a sheet

im going to leave the light cycle on a four hour on, 20 hour off schedule and inch it up a half hour a week like Biff suggested and see how it goes
some people dont like to do it but honestly i don't keep glass canopy on either tank cause glass gets salt spray on it and blocks out some of light which not good for corals, i have a buddy at work that still won't take his off either but i like my tanks having open tops, no glass lids.
Happy its cleared up for you.
I keep the top of my tank open to.Leaving the tops off,allows the tank to breath better.Which helps keep everything IN the tank happy.Not mention,it dont take salt creep long to start blocking out some light.
I leave the top off but have a egg crate to keep the fish from jumping out (good recommendation from Bifferwine). I cut it so it fits nicely on top of the tank. It is a bit short on the sides so I don't have to take the lights off to get it out.
i agree
i would like have my tops off but i dont want to top off constantly and i dont want the salt creep all over everything

seems easier to just rinse my glass tops every weekend jmho
hell french
i get salt creep ON TOP of my glass tops where the hinge is
more annoying than anything
its also an easy maintenance item if you keep up with it
my light sits high enough off of my DT that it probably would not be a problem with getting it on my light

i would like an auto top off system but i dont have the room for the extra tank
I have a canopy on top with just the back opened. I made a plexi glass cover for my sump. This cut down the evaporation. Now a 5 gallon bucket last almost 5 days. Before it was 2.5 days.
My ATOs going through 2 gallons a day being as summers here.Tops open on the tank and the sump.But the only place I get any salt creep is where my skimmers are discharging back.