I thought with lrr in a nano tank would promote nitrates? you can only pack in so much, the more you pack, the less surface area one would have rendering the amount as useful as a smaller amount.
I do agree on pulling every stock filtration on the biocube such as bioballs and filter/carbon pad. I used a intank media basket in chamber 2, popped the divider on chamber 1 to install heater. I ran the protein skimmer...... what a pain in the ass. the lime wood needs to be replaced monthly to consistently pull dry skimate. just keep your nitrates down with w/c and go lite on cuc.
I do run carbon and phosband in my tank now, but in the 14g I ran filter floss w/pad on top, chemipure, then cheato. I would not recommend the cheato in such a small tank, its as useful as crapping in a toddler pottie.