

Reefing newb
So I got tired of my puffer fish eating all of my polyps and small glass anenomes that came on some rocks in my 55g tank so I moved him to my 180. My 180 is cycled and showing 0 amm 0 nitrite 0 nitrate (success!!!!!) I have about a dozen of the large mexican turbo type snails in there for a few days that have been doing great. I moved the puffer over last night and today when I got home almost all of my snails are on the bottom of the tank upside down!!! Is he the culprit or was this some mass snail base jumping phenom i missed out on>? If he is the case I may have to ban him to the sump till I decide what to do with him......
Since puffers do not have gill covers or scales, they are thought to be more susceptible to diseases, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia levels. Since they usually don't eat all of their food, (messy eaters) these fish will usually put more load on the aquarium filtration requiring more frequent water changes and better maintenance in general.
Puffers have strong teeth that grow throughout their lives. They need to be offered hard shelled live food often to keep their teeth worn down. Acceptable foods include shellfish, crustaceans and hard shelled foods such as snails. If the teeth get too long, they will be unable to eat, requiring the owner to clip the teeth.
Though a well fed puffer will generally not eat corals they may occasionally munch on them. Also because their diet consists of meaty foods which put a large load on the bio-filter, they are not generally recommended for the reef aquarium.
Puffers are primarily predatory fish in the wild, though they do graze on algae as well. Acceptable foods include shellfish, crustaceans and hard shelled foods such as snails. A large variety of all kinds of live and frozen meaty foods are best. It is best to feed small amounts several times a day. Some of the suggested frozen foods include prawn, crabs/crabs legs, bloodworms (live or frozen), blackworms (live or frozen), silversides, and mussels. Be sure to wash these foods thoroughly before feeding. Live foods can include snails, crabs, crayfish, shrimp (these are good for keeping their teeth trimmed), and earthworms. Live fish will also be eaten but it is thought it may cause problems such as 'fatty" liver and so should be fed sparingly or not at all.. Puffers are not picky eaters and will quickly become adapted to a variety of prepared aquarium foods and an occasional algae wafer. Flake food is not recommended. Even though they may eat it, puffers will not thrive on it
Can't argue with that. They are neat lil buggers. To me its like having a dog in the fish tank. Bull in a china closet type fish.