Protein Skimmer


Reef enthusiast
Has anyone made one? I have a kid that's going to try. She already made a coil denitrator which seems to be working.
no, but i have thought about it to see if i could. is she going to use acrylic? or pvc? i would like to see some pics if she does build one.
Donny made one himself out of PVC... Here's the pic of it.

She's going to use PVC. Dang it's big. What's the big bucket it's in for? I hope the one she builds doesn't take up that much room. She's a marine biology major so I'll see what she comes up with.
Marine biology major doesn't mean crap when you're trying to build stuff in this hobby! I have my Master's in biology and am working on my PhD but I'm still useless when it comes to being handy. The big bucket was in case it leaked. It was a "prototype" for more skimmers like it to come (but smaller thank god).
maybe you should eat some of that disgusting cranberry paste or whatever the hell it is that you love so much. i almost sent you a can of kippered herring with your phone haha
It was cranberry sauce. Who doesn't like cranberry sauce? I mean COME ON!! Cranberry sauce is classic Americana. What, do you hate America?!?!

And thanks for the thought on the herring, Nordic Boy, but the shrink-wrapped sausages you sent me were more than enough!!
herring is really good though. good for you too.

and since when did you become judge jury and executionor on what is deemed "americana" they dont exactly serve cranberry sauce at baseball games nascar races and rarely even in Diners. all of which are taken from a list of things that ARE Americana on wikipedia. Also the allman brothers band. And on a side note that is a really good band.
More useless posting!Hot dogs and hamburgers is Americana not cranberry(what,you have a UTI or something)
Hey Red,I see your NWKRC,sorry man but the dirty south rules on this board.
and since when did you become judge jury and executionor on what is deemed "americana" they dont exactly serve cranberry sauce at baseball games nascar races and rarely even in Diners. all of which are taken from a list of things that ARE Americana on wikipedia. Also the allman brothers band. And on a side note that is a really good band.

Well. In my opinion, ANYTHING traditionally served at Thanksgiving is Americana! You don't need a UTI to love the cranberry sauce! Come on, it's like healthy jello! You can't freakin beat that.
Oh, okay now we got old jokes.

Cranberry is gross to me but not as bad as my wife eating cottage cheese straight,nasty stuff!
Looks like we need to get the LDDSRA fired up.

Cranberry sauce aint american.That stuffs about as american as wet backs swimming the Rio Grande.
If you want real American food.Pour yourself a good cold glass of butter milk,crumble some cornbread up in it,and open a can possum brand sardines,packed in hot sauce.NOW THAT AN AMERICAN MEAL.
Rigo by the sig picture does that mean you are representin the NWKRC as our honored out of district member? I cant rell cause i dont see you representin.
I suppose I'm out of district too in that case. I thought that the NWKRC would welcome any non-Chattanoogers in their club? Isn't that what makes the NWKRC different from those other snotty clubs?