Protein skimmer woes


Reefing newb
hey guys. well, I am having MAJOR trouble dialing in my protein skimmer. it seems that i either get about an 6th of an inch every 2 to 3 hours in my cup or i get nothing in my cup. is this normal and is it this difficult to dial in or should i start over with it considering i got it used?
If you guys recomend me starting over please recomend a new protein skimmer, preferably hob. One that will do the job but not uber expensive. i cant afford top of the line right now. about 100 bucks, 150 STRECTHING it REALLY good is all i can afford atm. My tank is a 75 gal
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With the skimmer on, notice the level of the water/bubble column. Adjust your skimmer until the top of this column is at the base of your skimmer cup *neck*, or slightly under it. Leave it here, and watch it throughout the day.

It is perfectly normal to having little to nothing in your skimmer cup, depending on your bioload. However, if there really is nothing in the skimmer cup, adjust the water/bubble level and raise it a little higher. Watch and wait for a couple of days. If you start getting stuff, leave it there and see how much it collects over the week. If you feel it's getting too little and you know you have a high fish load, raise it a bit higher. It might take awhile to find the perfect level.

You know it's too high when it starts skimming too much water, or the fluid in the cup is clear. Look for a dark soup that you can't see through. You may not get this if you have a light bioload, and this is perfectly normal/fine. What you don't want is for your skimmer to regularly overflow.
yeah, it wasnt clear, it was like dirty brown dishwater but i want a little less wet and a little more dry. I sometimes get sent away for 2 weeks at a time for work and i need to be able to let it go for two weeks without emptying. that was just too fast. i want it to be barely more than sludge. just watery enough to be easily cleanable.
So right now i have it set with bubbles going up about 2/3 the way up the tube. I will give it 24 hours and check it. if im not happy with it i will give it another 24 hours and then turn it up a hair if still not happy
I was wondering if it is normal for the tube the bubbles travel to get just as if not moe solid gunk stuck to the sides than gunk in the cup itself?