Proclear Skimmer Problem?


Reefing newb
I purchased a proclear model MPS 250 in-sump skimmer for my saltwater aquarium. (210 gal fowlr, 25gal sump plus a refugium) It was operating fine until two days ago and stopped producing a lot of bubbles. Just a small amount are coming out and they are not enough to get up to the collection cup. (This is a venturi type skimmer.) I did a water change shortly before that, and the aquarium is just newly cycled. I have 5 blue-green chromis and they are doing fine. I checked the air valve to make sure it was still open, and then I went so far as to remove it so there is no valve on it at all. The air intake goes on the output of the pump just before the venturi. I can hear it sucking air; it is just not putting out as many bubbles as when it had first started running about three weeks ago. Is is possible that the bubbles only come up more when more disolved organics are in the tank? Otherwise, how do I fix this? The skimmer is clean and the pump seems to be running fine. Thanks.
Sounds like a partial blockage of air possibly. check the outlet where the air line connects and see if it is partially pluged from calcium build up. if so clean out. this sometimes is a problem with these types of units. if not make sure the air pump is still as strong as it was when 1st turned on. if all looks ok just watch it and see how it performs until the next water change unless it is not working. you will know pretty soon if there is a problem or not. keep us posted on your progress.
There is no air pump attached. The pump sucks in the air by itself. Should I have a pump? My last model was a countercurrent one, and I had to have one for it.
If a partial blockage is the problem it should be where the air line connects at the pump. remove airline and clean the air port at the pump. hope this helps. If the instructions for you model of skimmer does not show an air pump then you do not need one. sorry for the confusion.
there are a few things that can affect bubble production if the skimmer is working properly. 1. has your salinity changed? if the salinity has dropped the bubles will burst to quickly and wont rise up the tube, therefore the higher the salinity the better bubble production.
2. are you feeding any frozen, fresh, or raw foods. Some brands of foods have lots of oils and other gels added to them, that can throw off a skimmer for several minutes to several days. ( i started using a product called artic pods, and it shuts my skimmer down for almost a full day. and I have a very large skimmer)

other than that I would recommend like jhnrb that you check the air intake very closely if nothing there pull the pumps impeller out and make sure it moves freely and isnt broken. if the pump impeller isnt working properly then the venturi concept falls apart.

let us know what you find out or if you need anything else