

Reefing newb
I have a fuge that pumps 300gph and a number 1 koralia and a number 3 at the other end of my 55gal and the number 3 is moving my sand no matter where I point it at.Do ya think a 2 koralia would be better than that 3.
try placing your K3 about 8-10" from the surface, and point it at the surface shooting about 1/3 of the way across the tank. that's a good place to start, you can fine tune it later. Just don't have your Koralia shooting directly at stuff.
I also agree with Nathan, to move the #3 to the surface of the water. Try that (if you haven't already). That isn't too much flow for a 55 gallon tank, so hopefully you can find good placement for it.
IMO anything below a #3 is like baking a cake with a candle :P especially in a 4' tank. I'd have dual K4's opposing each other... i'm a bit obsessed with flow though...
I have the K1 in my BC29 and they are big and ugly. You can find a much smaller powerhead that will produce the same flow.
I use a MJ1200 with one of those Hydor rotating attachments. It's set right under the water so when it spins around it will boil the surface water on every pass. It's 15 minutes on -- 15 minutes off during the day. It's off at night.

I also have a 110gph powerhead way up high on the back glass that points straight towards the front glass. The outlet it pointed up to create surface disruption for gas exchange. It runs 24/7

There is another MJ1200 that sucks the water out and runs through my HOB refugium. It runs 24/7

And one more 300gph pump low on the right side behind my rocks. It points straight along the entire back wall to keep crap from settling behind my rock work. It's on during the day for about 6hrs.

30g tank.