power heads


Reefing newb
I have a 90 gallon tank is a marineland 1200 to powerful for it?

I put it on the right side and its blowing a few inches over the rock.

Also when should you turn them off besides when cleaning? Is it recommended to turn them off during feeding?

You can turn them off to feed, yes. Thats not too much, you probably want another one on the exact opposite side and possibly a 600, too. Make sure to point at a rock or wall or something to disperse the flow. More indirect flow is better than a maxi-"jet" straight at a coral. (stupid pun, I know, but Im bored)
You'll need way more then just that one powerhead in a 90g. You should have at LEAST 1800 gph of flow in your tank but, more like 3000-4000 gph.
It just seemed to be blowing over one of my anemone's and I was concerned I had my flow screwed up(direction) I had planned on getting another one for the other side.

Also the 1200 is advertised as a 1300 gph circulation pump which I should have correctly stated I was using. Should I get another and use it as a powerhead or would another cir pump be better?
You're correct, if it's one of the new ones and you're using it in the powerhead mode it's 1300 gph. But, that's still not enough for a tank your size. As far as it blowing your anemone around, that's just part of you needing to find the best placement for your powerheads.