polops and fish discoloration?


The Damsel Defender
I do have a question though, Timmy (the blue damsel:sfish: my sister named him because she says she "Picktim" ((picked him)) lol.) is very very bright blue for the most part but right after feeding he gets really dark and almost black, he then stops hiding and lays on the bottom of the tank in front of his favorite hiding spot but is not scared of me at all... In about an hour his color returns and breathing goes back to normal, i checked all the levels and everything is okay and he seems to do great afterwords but can fish have allergic reactions to food? I feed them a flake, brine shrimp, and some seaweed from the LFS that he gobbled up when I was watching him before he was purchased... any ideas as to whats going on? this is what he looks like:


this is Timmy normal colored... any ideas?

Also what should I be feeding these guys?


The gal at the LFS gave me some liquid phytoplankton and told me to put a few drops in everyday but is there something else i can be feeding them? They haven't opened up all that much since i brought them home and my brittle stars have deemed them worthy of being their new home lol.

any suggestions/help would be awesome!
Damselfish change color when the are sad and happy like anoles or chameleons. I had a yellow tail damselfish once that turned different colors too. I wouldn't worry about unless he stay dark constantly which could just be him/her getting older.

The polyps don't need any extra feeding unless you want to hand feed them mysis shrimp. They should get enough food from the frozen food that you feed your fish already and from the light and calcium not to mention other trace elements that usually come in your salt or premade water.
Hibyes right about damsels changing colors.They'll turn darker when their resting to help them blend in.
As for feeding.Brine shrimp is like giving your fish a twinkie.Nothing but junk food for em.
Flakes contain ash and ash is a form of phosphate.It can lead to algae problems.
I like to feed frozen mysis shrimp along with blood worms and krill.Mix it up so the fish dont get the same food for every meal.
The polyps could be from not enough light.In your other thread,your lights looked like the cheap light strips that come with a lot of tanks.There cheap and good for fish only,but no where near enough light for corals.
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exatly right above. my tangs will turn completely different shades of color depending on the way they feel.

one question, what is all the clear stuff in your tank in the first pic? looks like a bunch of plastic. also looks like you have a great deal of macroalgae in your tank. I would try to manually remove what your can before it becomes an issue.
I actually got one of the t5 coral lights for my tank now...

the clear stuff is actually a glass seastar marble... just for looks. and what do you mean by microalgae?
yea my old damsel changed colors alot! it was insane, when i first bought him he was a bright nice yellow but then in my tank he turned black it was amazing like he was evil and sure enough he was he bullied all my fish :( until i caught him! :) somedays he would be yellow some black some black and yellow when he ate he would turn bright yellow