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No, just introduced last and monitored. They can work okay in a reef tank but you just might not want to risk it unless you really have a good reason to buy the fish. I personally think they are ugly so I have stayed away from them even though so many people consider them a staple in the hobby.
they add nice color to the tank but i just read lots of horror stories, and there's lots of stories where it has to do with them killing a mandarinfish so id have to pass on them.
In the ugliness category would be the 6 lines' eyes. Small and beady. Just plain creepy.
Good choice to avoid them Tristan.
In the ugliness category would be the 6 lines' eyes. Small and beady. Just plain creepy.
Good choice to avoid them Tristan.

Actually, the Spotted Cardinalfish always creeped me out LOL That's why I chose the Banggai cardinal over the spotted one. Those red eyes look like they would shoot lasers!


I think they are B E A U TIFUL little fish! :) But that's just my opinion
everyone gets an opinion... it's just too bad you all can be right like me.
Dcan is right their eyes are creepy, and their coloring looks like a 3 year old designed it in their first coloring book.
Kissy lips Biff?
"and their coloring looks like a 3 year old designed it in their first coloring book." Great description Justin. But it's those eyes that get me......