Pocillopora Problems...


Reefing newb
Tampa, FL USA
A week or so ago I bought a red and green pocillopora. They red one doesn't seem to be doing so well; it's turning slightly less red and verging on more of a pink in some areas where the polyps aren't fully expanding. I've been contemplating whether it might need more flow, because the green one seems just fine and they are both at the same height in the aquarium, the only difference is the green one has more flow on it. However, I've been catching my emerald crab clinging to the red one during the nighttime, and I think he's pissing it off. What do you guys think?
You may have already seen this one coming, but we're going to need your water param specs and more info about your lighting, flow, etc. It could be the crab messing with it. If the polyps can't extend from the crab irritating it then it will have some issues. Once we get some more in depth info we can help you better.
You could try switching their positions to see if they react differently. The Emerald Crab should be harming either one of them.
You may have already seen this one coming, but we're going to need your water param specs and more info about your lighting, flow, etc. It could be the crab messing with it. If the polyps can't extend from the crab irritating it then it will have some issues. Once we get some more in depth info we can help you better.
I hadn't even considered my water parameters, Hiker. I tested everything 2 weeks ago, and assumed everything was still fine...

However, it appears that my pH, Alk, and calcium have all dropped within the last 2 weeks. I've never seen the pH so low...

Water Parameters:

Temp: 79 degrees
Salinity: 1.024 ppm
pH: 7.8
Alk: 143.2 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Calcium: 380 ppm

I'm going to do a water change; any other suggestions?

As for lighting, I'm running four 39-Watt T-5's (156-Watts total). As far as flow goes, I have 1 Tunze 6045 (1200 gph) on the left side of my tank, and 1 Koralia 3 (850 gph) on the right side.

I'm still thinking that water flow/the emerald crab may still be the main issue since the green one is okay...

You could try switching their positions to see if they react differently.
Dcan, I would try that except that I glued them down, so now it would be quite a hassle to try to swap them. They had been fine so I thought I was safe to glue them in place...
It could also have something to do with your lighting as you only have 156w over a 46g tank for a total of 3.39wpg. I know you have them high up in the tank so they're getting the strong light, but it's something to consider.
I'm betting on the lighting too.
I'll bet it was under a lot more light at your LFS,so is starting to lose color as a result.
Yep, I agree with the lighting. Especially reds, they seem to always change color when introduced to a different lighting setup than where it came from.
+1 Brian

I've bleached many a coral with my old T-5s just because I didnt take the time to acclimate them to my lights.
I hope it's not that my lights are not strong enough. If that's the case, then both the coral and I are screwed because I can't afford a new light canopy...

It could be bleaching from too much light. However, it doesn't make sense why the other pocillopora is doing just fine...

I re-checked my water parameters today after yesterday's WC, and everything is in check now...
pH: 8.2
Alk: 161.1
Calcium: 440

I found the emerald crab clutching to the pocillopora last night again; I think he screws with it every night, and I think he is the mastermind behind everything. :grumble: I might have to find him a new home. For now, I'm just going to keep a careful eye on the frag and hope for the best. Today it's polyps were expanded and it looked better than it has been looking for the last few days. I think I'm going to buy another wavemaker just in case (more flow couldn't hurt the tank).