Plz Identify


Reefing newb
I noticed this worm looking organism that seems to be very smart cause as i go closer to the tank it hides and its very hard to find this my second time to see it only.And if u could ID this coral forgot its name.LFS said it was a beginner coral.Also one of the pics has this poop looking thing i keep seeing in the same spot just wanted to know what poops there.


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That would be a bristleworm. Good guy for your clean up crew, but dont touch them. The coral is a torch and the poop looks like some sort of tube worm like a feather duster or something.
That coral isnt a torch, it looks to me like its a flowerpot coral, which not a good beginner coral. They are extremely hard to keep because they need to be feed every few days. These guys dont tend to last very long in our tanks.
Just saw another Bristle Worm and it was stretched to 3 or 4 inches. I saw what looked like 2 polyp on the side of my dry rock they look like zoas.