please help

I've gone through every "reef safe" med made I think. None of them worked at all. My fish would die and most all the corals would die because of the meds altering the water quality. I killed so many fish and corals, it's sad. Then got an oversized UV light and within a month I began having success! Don't know if it's the light or the fact I don't over react and put a bunch of crap in the water. Been using the UV light for almost a year now. It feels good when things go good. I feel for you... I've been there. You can only do what you can, then just began again. This is certainly a learn as you go hobby, don't beat yourself up.
general rule of thumb, if it says reef safe its useless. if it doesnt safe reef safe then it contains copper which CANNOT be used in a reef tank as it will kill all inverts and corals add to the tank as long as the live rock and sand are in the tank
I've gone through every "reef safe" med made I think. None of them worked at all.
See Dustin does know what he's talking about :D

As stated before, I would try the Poly filter, and consider dumping a pack of reef pods in the tank so your CBB has food if he does survive. I would also cut back to 25% water changes and see if you can calm your system down. Once you have gotten things under control i would try to net the CBB and get it back to the LFS because your tank probably isn't mature enough for it to survive. I really hope it pulls through, that is one of the most beautiful butterlys out there!
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