Pictures of tank

As long as it's out of the reach of the kids I think were good. :)

And you guys thought I was done asking questions........
The tank seems to be a bit warm, 82. I turned off the heater this morning, but it was only set to 78. Could be the lights. Do they sell something to cool down the tank if needed?
what does the back of the canopy look like? is it fairly open for air exchange? I installed 3 computer fans to the back of mine using a laptop power supply for air movement just to be safe. it has been good on heat so far.
Yup. The back is open. Good thinking putting pc fans in there. I'll have to come up with something if the temp hasn't dropped by the time I get home. Winter is on it's way too, so it shouldn't be that much of an issue. Oil guy came today the wife said. I guess it'll be here sonner than I had hoped.....
82 is okay. If your temps are ranging between 78 and 82, that's fine. Mine has been getting up to 85 in the daytime here (eek!) but it's ranging between 80 and 85. I was going to wait it out a bit before I decided if I needed to buy a chiller. You want to avoid large temperature swings, those are worse than stable, but high temperatures. Besides, summer is almost over :).
nice tank, lots of rock! that will look sweet when everything gets covered in coriline.
everyones got you pretty well covered when it comes to acclimating. i just wanted to stress not letting any of the water in the bag get into your tank. most lfs' use copper to treat there tanks from deseases. copper= death for invertabrates.
Thank you for that. is what I will do:
1. Put the bag in the tank for 30 minutes.
2. Open the bag and let out about 1/2 the water (into sink, not tank)
3. Start adding about a cup of tank water every 10 or 15 minutes.
When the bag is bag to as full as it started, I will use a net and take the fish, or whatever, out of the bag and drop the little feller right in the tank.
Sound about right???
Thank you for that. is what I will do:
1. Put the bag in the tank for 30 minutes.
2. Open the bag and let out about 1/2 the water (into sink, not tank)
3. Start adding about a cup of tank water every 10 or 15 minutes.
When the bag is bag to as full as it started, I will use a net and take the fish, or whatever, out of the bag and drop the little feller right in the tank.
Sound about right???

crap! I just remembered I let some in once with some snails I bought from my lfs. I hope I didn't F myself on an octopus tank!!! I hear any trace of copper EVER is doom for an octo.
Well I added another 25ish lb's of liverock to the tank tonight. Bought it from a local guy downsizing from 3 huge tanks to 1 40 gallon. Covered in the purple stuff (I imagine that is coraline???)? ALso gave me a rock with some brown soft coral. I'll post a picture tomorrow.
The tank is looking really crowded now, but the I was told to have between 1 1/2 to 2 lb's per gallon of liverock. Again, I'll post a picture tomorrow to show what I mean. The Tomato Clown is doing great as is the yellowtail damsel and the hairy legged hermit crab (I think he got he domino damsel last night as he was laying dead next to the hermit crab)... I always see the crab trying to grab at the fish, can they really catch a fish and kill it?
Headed to the fish store tomorrow as I need some clean up fellers to help out a bit...
Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully respond to this jumbled mess :) It's late....