Pictures of my 110G


Reefing newb
My stock list:

1 Bicolor Angelfish Small

1 Flame Angelfish Medium

The Angels are getting along I got them together at the same time.

1 Yellow Tang Medium

1 Clarkii Clownfish (I got for Free, but I want to get rid of him, he is bulling all the other clownfish)

1 Blue Hippo Tang Large (I got for Free)

4 Percula Clownfish (2 I got for Free)

6 Green Chromis

10 Dwarf White Leg Hermit Crabs
10 Blueleg Hermit Crab
3 Emerald Crabs
1 Brittle Starfish
1 Sand Sifting Starfish
1 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Mexican Turbo Snail
10 Turbo/Astrea Snail
3 Cleaner Clam
10 Nassarius Snail


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I know you guys will see that my background is a mess-up, that was one of my big mistakes that I did not paint the back of the tank, well it doesn’t really bother me, but is dose bother my wife, so she will paint it:D
Well the hippo that i got for free was in a 36g tall,or it was a 29g tall, i dont remember, but im sure is alot more happey now, so i think ke is ok in the 110g
No way! How much larger can you get than 110g! I have read that 70g is the minimum I dont think that they are overstocked that is a big ass tank.

Well, lets see you can get 125, 150, 180, 225 etc. Tanks get much much bigger than the 110s and most importantly they are 6 feet or longer.

They have 14 fish in those 110 gallons. I would say they should only have 11 fish. Now, you and i both know that overstocking is ok in some cases, like when the tank is matured and the owner is very knowledgeable and experienced. Would i consider these people or their tank either of those things, no. Can they become this in the future, yes.

Also, no, that is not the published recommendation for hippos. People desperately wish it was so, but its not.
Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Blue Tang

Places that say otherwise IMO are just trying to sell more product because everyone wants a dori and nemo and its their win if buy a ton of them.

You might be able to keep a little one in a smaller tank for a period of time, but not a large one like they say they have.
Wow. Shows me from ever putting a picture of my tank and livestock up here.

Youre tank looks good and thanks for sharing it with us! I painted the back of mine and am glad I did, it showcases the fish and live rock more :)
This is for little fish

Don’t get me wrong, little fish I agree with everything you said, as a beginner I have done my share of mistakes with this tank, but this what I got now & this is where I am now, I am planning on making my 29g freshwater into saltwater so I can get 2 percula clownfish out of the 110G & my clarkii clownfish I want to give him to someone or to my LFS because he is not nice to the other clownfish & it’s hard to catch him. I’m just wating for the right time to do so.
So this is my plan: :grumble: my wife is going out of the cuntrey next week for a month!!! with the kids!!!:bounce: so that’s when I’m planning to do it all & I’m going to build a 40g sump for the 110g, & in a year or 2 I will get a 150g or 180g.
Re: This is for little fish

So this is my plan: :grumble: my wife is going out of the cuntrey next week for a month!!! with the kids!!!:bounce: so that’s when I’m planning to do it all & I’m going to build a 40g sump for the 110g, & in a year or 2 I will get a 150g or 180g.


Ok that totally cracked me up...a covert operation going on when she is to far to stop you. Cracks me up