Picture of the Month - September

wow, this is going to be a tough month. lot's of good pics allready. i'm not even going to wast my time entering a pic of my betta bowl with the plant growing in it!
Here is my entry -


i need a camera sooooo bad and the white spots and lines on my shrooms are really floresent blue colors not white
adrastos..very nice shrooms..badly i need a new camera!!..( and learn photo skills)

There are some great deals on good cameras. I am very happy both Nikon and Cannon have started producing DSLRs for the non-professional photographer.. it really has opened up a new world!

Don't worry.. the photo skills come along with just taking a lot (and I mean a lot) of pictures..
i need a camera sooooo bad and the white spots and lines on my shrooms are really floresent blue colors not white

Can you manually adjust the white balance on your camera? that will help correct the problem. Also - check to see if your camera has automatic filters for light correction (our high power lights can play havoc with most cameras).
that was my sisters camera she freaks out if i touch it so she has it in a safe and my vid cam got washed
Great pics Ad and Reefkeeper.Its going to be tough this month.

Anybody wants to enter a full tank shot besides Dr. Marco?
I believe it. I bought my wife a small 8.0 megapixel Kodak. It's a little more work than my Nikon to get a good shot - but we have gotten some great pictures.