Picture of the Month - November

As a Living Reefs alumni(that would be me),I officially disqualify Doc from this months POTM.Lion I will let you slide this time-I may need your services in photo editing in the future.

Oh and btw,Biff socked it to you again Doc.
That was too funny Mik!
Doc wished Ich on my magnificent Powder Brown Tang.I had to get him back some how?Biff,my bestest friend,you should disqualify Doc.:wink:

BTW,bestest was intentional,so don't go correcting me.
Dear Reef,



Biff :)
huh, sooooo Reef is a d%&k still. OK, that is cool. :bounce::bounce:

I like how Biff stood her ground and backed up by Mik with a classic video.

Biff, I trust your judgment in allowing me to put in my picture.

Dominick, I "unwish" Ich on your powder brown. I need to be nice since my poor Cosine has got such a nasty case of it. Maybe I should have put that pic in for POTM to show off how bad it is. I am such a bad "fish-father"

-sniff-. I can't say the same for his girlfriend and soulmate, Cosine. I left this morning and she was swimming OK, but she looks awful. I am getting worried about her. I just hope she is strong enough to get thru it. She eats like a hog, and that is the only thing that keeps me hopeful. A lesser fish would have succumbed by now. Luckily, she has not given her Ich to any other fish on the tank

luckily I have more than one tank to cover my losses. If that did happen (crossing fingers, knocking on wood, and praying it never does), I would toss in a shark and a Honeycomb Moray eel and be done with it.
