Parrot's 150 Long


I think something's been eating my zoa colonies. A colony will be fine, then for a day it will be closed up, then gone!
Not too sure, been looking closely for predators, but don't see anything. Unless my foxface is snacking...

Kinda bummed, in my old tank I had TONS of zoas and now they don't seem to last.
Very nice addition! Love the foxface, of course ;) If I could, I'd have a tank with nothing but foxfaces and tangs!

Yeah, he's a little baby too, only about 3.5" - but he holds his own with all those tangs.

Right now, my total stock list is:
2 ORA clowns
Purple Tang, Tomini Tang, Convict Tang
Green spotted Mandarin

I don't know if I'll add any more fish. That seems like a good amount to me. If I add anything, it might be some Bangaii cardinals to play in the urchin's spines or a small goby...
So it does! Fixed, thanks!

Yeah that would've been a major tang police infraction. That's one of the primary reasons I went with a long tank vs. deep, so they'd have more swimming room!
More pics...stuff's growing, but the SPS isn't taking off as much as I can. I think my nutrients are too low and my lights too bright. Hmmm.



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Thanks guys -
Yeah, the SPS is growing a little slow and a touch pale.
Too much light, too little nutrients. Biopellets + UV + AI

Trying to feed heavier and light a little less..