
Get the wal-mart brand distilled water.Its got a purple cap and label.
You might want to check and see if your wal-mart has a water machine.
Auction ended. To get up and running sooner is it possible to use just regular lights that came with the tank (regular aquraium lights). I had 2, but only have one now. I also have a reptile light on now with a 100 watt bulb. Can I change that out to something other bulb to get started? It is a regular lightbulb socket kind. Looks like a hood. All I am going to start out with is live rock for a while until we can swing the t5's.
If that fixture runs the 65 watt bulbs,then it would give you enough light for soft corals,and some LPS.
E-mail the saler to find out the wattage.You'll want at the least 4 watts per gallon.
im a fan of deep penetration, thats why I personally own the nova extemes :)

OK. Now are we getting into things.....
I think I;m going t attempt to make a refugium/sump. I have an xtra 10 gallon tank laying around. Do I have to cut a hole in the main tank if I am gong to put this under the main tank? With that, all I would do is have some sand and liverock in the 10 gallon, put my skimmer, filter and heaters in there as well? All I would need in the main tank is my lights? Does this have to be sectioned off as well?
Any good articles on how to set this up?
You can either drill a hole in your main tank or you can buy an overflow box that hangs off the back. If your tank is not pre-drilled, I would recommend getting the overflow box instead. You don't need sand and live rock in the sump. If you are going to have a refugium, then you would use sand and live rock, but not if you are just planning on using it for a sump. If it is going to house your equipment, leave it bare bottom.
So there is now way to use another smaller tank under he tank w/out drilling? I'm confused as o how the setup would be if it was a hang on the back overflow box? Would the skimmer and the filter be hung on the overflow box? I'm sorry for being so ignorant...