Orange Sponge

Looks very nice! I like how you used PVC to prop the rocks up. This will help a lot in reducing stagnant areas of the tank, and will give your fish hiding places. The PVC should be covered in coralline pretty quickly (plastic seems to get covered first), and it will blend in well with the rocks.
Just build on top of what you already have.Take your time and pick pieces that you really lile,then fit em in.Kinda like working a jig-saw puzzle.
Sponges are usually pretty easy to keep. One thing to be careful of, be sure to not expose it to air at all. Unlike corals, sponges will die if they are exposed to air even for a few seconds. You'll need to transfer it from the bag to the tank underwater.

I hate it when I hear how easy something is to keep and I can't seem to keep it alive! I have had 2 orange sponges and they slowly get smaller and smaller and die. Very sad for me. Maybe you'll have good luck. Keep us posted, I need tips!!!
The lady was supposed to buy my damsels from me and backed out. I sold them to someone else so I never received the sponge. I am still interested. I will let you know what happens.