orange spider looking thing


Reefing newb
I legit found one of those in my 29 gallon like 3 days ago I still don't know what it is, I just know its ugly!
i don't think it's a crab as there is no body really. just a small spot and then a bunch of wavy leg type extensions but they are not structured like arrow legs. they are not straight. unless a baby arrow crab? i have no idea but definitely alive as it moves along the sand bed.

i have three or four of these things on my sand bed.

any other ideas?
It's a spaghetti worm. Here are pictures of some. They are harmless.

ok, thanks for the post! not a spaghetti worm i found out but a cirratulid worm. i was able to reference spaghetti worm and find this one and that they are commonly named the same but are quite different.

here's a great photo i found showing the entire thing :shock:
this shows the details of the arms i see and i the body stays under the sandbed. it's wild thinking of all the life in there!
