Orange Fungia crack?


Reefing newb
My Orange Fungia looks like it has a crack in it. Its the bad? Kinda white in the "crack" area. Still looks like its alive as its been pushing the sand off of its self. (One of my clowns likes to "dust" the tank.)
Well it wasn't a crack. Came back from a 3 day trip and it's dead. About 1-2 the orange is gone and the white skeleton is exposed. Guess I'll stick to mushrooms and Zoas. Should I pull it out?
Ive had my plate coral recover from something like that, as long as the mouth is still there, it might come back. If not, then I would remove the coral.
Mouth is still there but I'm leaving for two weeks in the Bahamas on Wed. I have a teen in the neighborhood taking care of the tank while we are gone. He doesn't know a lot but I have written everything down. I'm going to do a really big WC, 30%, Tuesday night and another when I get back. One less thing for him to worry about. I'm just worried about it nuking the tank while I'm gone.
Well just an update. I'm currently in the Bahamas but the persons taking care of my tank said it is completely white. Guess my lighting wasn't up to the task. I have ordered a pair of 120w LEDs. I'll post up in another section about those.
We did enjoy it, but the resort, Atlantis, wasn't quite as advertised. Its not a dive, but its far from a 5 star resort. Really enjoyed snorkeling the aquarium and at Rose Island. I haven't snorkeled since I was a teen and it was amazing! I've never see that many Tangs in one place, or that BIG, ever! And the Parrot fish.....a 5 variants...WOW! I got brushed by a 19 foot Manta and we went swimming with the Dolphins and even hugged and kissed a Sea Lion.