Opening a Can of Worms


I'm that guy
Ok, so the more I look at you guys pictures, it makes me realize that my PAS camera isn't cutting the mustard. I want to gather some info on what cameras are affordable, but wont break the bank. I dont need the best, but I dont want a piece of crap. Also, what lenses are you guys using? There are about 500 different kinds. Honest opinions here and no debates please, just facts.
What do you want, a point and shoot or a DSLR? I just bought a Sony A350, and I gotta say I'm a big fan. Great SLR and a great price point, and so far even I'm taking good pics with it!
depends on what you want and what you wanna take pics of. also know that buying the body if you go the dslr route will be your cheapest purchase
I have the same camera as Yote. You can't replace or swap out the lens, but you can get a telephoto adapter and macro adapter for it.