October POTM Voting

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Toss up between Lions clown and reeffreaks FTS..... Hard choice...

Think I will vote for Reeffreak FTS.. runner up Lions Clown, stalking the yellow tang....
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Wow, this is tough. I have to admit I really like my clown pic and I want to vote for it. my selfish side says to vote for me, but then I look like an ass. guess I look like one anyway....so...

Dr Marco - what can I say, I love that clownfish pic.
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hmmm, that didn't seem to bold. Guess I am not that smart after all. hope the vote still counts.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
ouch. Reef set up that standard with the first voting, that you can vote for yourself. Just cuz no one has had the guts doesn't mean it is time to burn my in effigy. I vote for what I think is the best pic and my clown and BTA really stuck with me. Reef's tank was darn close as well, but I went with my gut. Hope I don't become a social leper due to my selfishness

-Dr Marco :sfish:
so, Biff....How did you bold that? I don't know all the magic tricks yet. Oh, and the angels were dead BEFORE I sent in the pic for TOTM. I broke the curse...so....nice try. Looks like reef is in the lead anyway. BTW dominick, no hard feelings I voted for myself. I did love your tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
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