Number of fish in 75 gallon

Haha alot of you are proving my point about being dramatic. I never said you should cram fish in a tiny tank and make them live a terrible existence. My point was there are soooo many people in this hobby who "know it all" and their advice and rules are always the "correct ones", and usually it comes with dramatics. Yes a Yellow Tang in a 40 gallon would not be very nice, but a Yellow Tang in a 125g would not be as some of you say "In-Humane". I would bet you anything I own he would live longer in that 125g tank with less stress than in the ocean being eaten by predators. I know this might irk some of you on here because I am sure there are a good share of Environmentalist and PETA people on here, but sometimes it is just a fish. Not to say you should go out of your way to make one miserable or buy one just because you want one. Anyway I am not going to change perceptions on here, too many of the aforementioned types, so lets just move along.

Do they make 5ft tanks or just 4ft and 6ft? What is the smallest 6ft tank you can get?
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Haha alot of you are proving my point about being dramatic. I never said you should cram fish in a tiny tank and make them live a terrible existence. My point was there are soooo many people in this hobby who "know it all" and their advice and rules are always the "correct ones", and usually it comes with dramatics. Yes a Yellow Tang in a 40 gallon would not be very nice, but a Yellow Tang in a 125g would not be as some of you say "In-Humane". I would bet you anything I own he would live longer in that 125g tank with less stress than in the ocean being eaten by predators. I know this might irk some of you on here because I am sure there are a good share of Environmentalist and PETA people on here, but sometimes it is just a fish. Not to say you should go out of your way to make one miserable or buy one just because you want one. Anyway I am not going to change perceptions on here, too many of the aforementioned types, so lets just move along.

Do they make 5ft tanks or just 4ft and 6ft? What is the smallest 6ft tank you can get?

Actualy a 125g tank is a great size tank for a yellow tang...