No idea what this is. Any help?


Reefing newb
So I just picked up some amazing live rock from a marine rescue center, and I found this thing protruding from a hole in the rock. I have no clue what this is. It looks to be some kind of anemone or possibly a worm? It's orange with white bands around each tentacle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is this reef safe? The picture is as an attachment...not sure how to put images in the post just yet.


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I'm going with aiptasia. It is a pest anemone that will sting anything that touches it. Kill it!
Aiptasia X works wonderfully.
Thank you all for the quick replies. I'll take your advice and kill it before it causes any harm to the other life on the rock. I've heard several ways to kill aiptasia (sp?), but if its a mojano anemone, will it survive an aiptasia treatment? I've also heard things like injecting an mL of lemon juice into their mouths will kill them. Anyone ever try this?
Yes people have and its hit or miss with the lemon juice stuff. I think you will have a better chance with the Aiptsia X, which will work on the mojano just fine. Just follow the directions and you should be able to get the bugger
Will Aiptasia X kill the other plant life in my tank? This live rock I purchased is teaming with life, and I'd like to preserve as much as possible.
Aiptasia X comes with a little blunt-needle syringe... you squirt it right into the mouth of the anemone. So long as you don't squirt it directly on anything else you will be fine.
I thought I'd come back here to follow up. I wanted to thank everyone for your quick and helpful responses. I used Aiptasia X and it worked PERFECTLY! My tank is now anemone free, and looking great. Once I get a little more live rock in there, I'll start posting pictures of my progress. Thanks again!

Great! I'm glad it worked out for you. You are going to have to keep up with the maintenance, I think you'll find. I do a quick scan of all my rocks once a week or so, and zap any aiptasias or majanos that I see.