Newbie to this,Please Help!

Im headed out to buy a new protien skimmer today and a new mag drive seems how someone has stolen my other mag 7!! :[ Any suggestions? My Skimmer is out dated.
Also headed out to purchase the 20g sump/fuge. Construction is soon to take place and pics will be uploaded soon.
In regards to the skimmer, that is the model I was going to get when I still had plans on converting my 75 gallon to a salty. The only Octopus brand that I've heard anything negative about is the HOB versions.

What is the flow on the mags?

Edit: I just looked up the flow on the mags. It looks like the mag 5 is 500 gph and the 7 is 700 gph. If it was me, I would probably go with the 7.
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more pump is better than too little, mags are good but run pretty warm also a bit hard on electric use, have a look at ehiem pumps
When planning your return pump, keep in mind the head loss and electrical use. The other thing to consider is flow - you want to aim for somewhere between 10-20 times the tank's volume in an hour between the return pump and any powerheads you place in the tank.

It doesnt look like this tank is drilled, so you'll need an overflow box if you're doing a sump. You'll want to make sure the return pump can handle the flow coming from the overflow (to prevent a flood)
with the current setup i have going, it will be roughly 40-52 times the tanks volume. The DT is not drilled but will be within the next few days and install a 90degree angle bulkhead overflow. Out of the gear i have in the previous pictures, the only thing im using is 2 of the 1200 maxijets.

on a side note, i found my mag-drive pump!!! :D Its a mag 7 at that. I will post some new pics of my current inventory and providing the weather is decent, will start work on my sump tomorrow.
So far, this is what I have. I broke down the 75g cichlid tank yesterday and donated 200$ worth of fish back to my LFS (b&b), unfortunately they do not give store credits so i was bummed about that.

Here's my tank, pre-drilled. I'm going to contact a glass specialist and see about having it drilled for an overflow.


This is my current inventory:


I am waiting for my 2x 1600 sure flow mod kits and magnets to come in for the maxi-jet 1200s. You can see my mag7, new protein skimmer with pump, 2x maxi-jet 1200s, marine land visi-stealth 250w heater (considering if i should get another or not), and my beer (number one inventory priority). Also seen in picture is my 24" 2x24watt 10000k actinic fixture from my 30gallon holding tank (cichlids) that i considered using to supply light to the sump/fuge but the ballast has gone bad and it would be easier to just replace than to fix hence the fact that its an internal ballast with no way to access it.

Like stated in my previous post, based on todays weather; i would start constructing my 20g sump. I am here to tell you, the weather sucked! That's quite alright because I'm pretty stubborn and worked on it anyways.



These are the tools not necessarily (excluding the aquarium safe silicone) needed but I used them anyways : Measuring tape, Aquarium safe silicone, speed square, painters tape (for easy removal), notepad, and more beer :D
added note: i also used a miter saw to trim the acrylic panels

this is the general idea:
green = mag and return
blue = protein skimmer
red = heater
tan = live rock
yellow = overflow from DT (bulkhead will be drilled on side)


As for construction, I used acrylic plexi-glass to construct the baffles. You can purchase this at any hardware store. I purchased mine at Lowes for a little more than $16. They will even cut it for you if you have the measurements, just keep in mind that the cuts aren't exact and wont fit precisely which is why I used a miter saw to trim the edges till they did. The bubble trap was the trickiest part of the project for me. I found that an old VHS tape made it easy to measure the 1" gaps in the trap as shown in the picture.


So far, the above picture is all I've constructed. I called it quits for tonight so that the silicone can cure. This decision was easy after discovering my beer turned into slush. This will also ensure me to not knock over any other baffles i installed earlier. I found that out the hard way and had to redo one after clean up :(. Will continue work tomorrow and keep you posted. I'm learning all of this by trial and error so feel free to point out any mistake I've made or in the process of making.
Thanks for the knowledge and help so far LivingReefs! :^:
From what I read, i would go with a new lighting with t5 s and metal hal lights to increase your options for corals and you wouldnt need to worry at all wat per gallon, and I dont know if your planning on keeping all those power heads i would just get some larger ones so you would have such a eye sore with seven. and make sure you have a good skimmer if your def doing a reef take.

no, im only keeping 2 powerheads, the maxi-jets 1200s which out of box pump 295 gph but with the sureflow mod kits, they pump 1600gph or 2100gph depending on which prop you use. I am replace the lights that are seen in the first series of pictures with t5s. I was told my VHO quick connect ballast can support t5 lighting so now i just need to get the fixtures/end caps, and bulbs + reflector shields.
no, im only keeping 2 powerheads, the maxi-jets 1200s which out of box pump 295 gph but with the sureflow mod kits, they pump 1600gph or 2100gph depending on which prop you use. I am replace the lights that are seen in the first series of pictures with t5s. I was told my VHO quick connect ballast can support t5 lighting so now i just need to get the fixtures/end caps, and bulbs + reflector shields.

I run two of the sure flows and had to trim back the props, a bit too much for me
That person who got all those different powerhead knew what they were doing.

More powerheads is better, just as more flow is better. I would keep all of those powerheads, maybe put aside one to mix your water change with. You are going to be able to distribute those powerheads so you have flow everywhere, which is going to cut down on ugly algae from growing. I would say that is an even great eye sore.

Unless your sand is flying around, you dont have too much flow.