New to the hobby.

Big day today. I am going to be picking up the first fish for the tank. Made a double check before I left and water is good ( ph 8, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ammonia 0, and 1.024). The plan is a bi colored blennie, clownfish( mostly cause its free), and an dwarf angelfish. I am not sure which angelfish so here are the choices, Halfback, Potters, Flame, and Coral Beauty. Does anyone have a recommendation?
If you plan on keeping corals, i would stick with either the flame or the beauty, they seem to be your best chance at getting a non-coral eater. The only one i would stay away from is the Potters, they need a large tank to do well and often dont survive the shipping and moving around.

But remember, only one fish at a time and two or three weeks between fish, especially if this is your first fish.
Do you think it would be ok to get the blennie and the clownfish at the same time. Its a promotion at the lfs. Spend $50 and get a free clownfish?
I would stay away from the Potters, they need a large tank with lots of cover. I think you'll be fine with adding the Blenny and the Clownfish at the same time, but I would make up extra water just in case a mini cycle gets kicked off by over-loading the current bacteria in the tank
Hopefully you don't see a cycle after adding the fish, it's not normal. Keep water mixed up just in case though. I would personally test every day for 3 or 4 days after adding the fish to be safe
He is so cool. I also got a tomato clown but she is tough to get a good picture of. I have been feeding frozen brine shrimp for the shrimp anything else I should add to the diet?
You should mix their diet up, I feed a little bit of everything. Krill, mysis, fortified brine, squid, rotifers