New to the hobby.

Thanks again! Glad there are people around to help me out. It is the only lfs within 100 miles so really don't have another choice.
First round of tests
-ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0

Got a few more hermits and some snails. Friend also gave me a wave maker with two heads and another head. The water movement is great.
First round of tests
-ph 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0

I received a nice gift of a wave maker with two heads, and a extra powerhead. All installed and the water movement is good I think. Picked up a few hermits and a few snails. All critter's deem to be doing good. Do have some aptasia showing up but lfs gave me some stuff to treat it. any suggestions or advice on the setup would be appreciated.
Your PH looks low I would test again. Mine has always been 8.2-8.4

Stay on the Aiptasia It will spread and really become a problem Aiptasia X or Aiptasia control works well.
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Have you always had powerheads, or are the ones you just got your first ones? Excess waste and a build up of carbon dioxide can lower your pH. By adding those powerheads (make sure you have at least one pointed towards the surface of the water causing ripples) and possibly doing a partial water change you could start to see an increase in your pH. Even if you can raise your the level to 7.8-8.0 and keep it steady there your tank will be much better off but, 8.1-8.3 are optimal levels.

The most important thing you want to remember especially as a newbie, a steady level in your tank is much better then a constantly fluctuating one. That goes for your pH, temperature, and water chemistry.
How long have your lights been on? That will effect your pH

Exposing your water to light raises the pH, which is why many reefers run their fuges on opposite light schedules to balance the pH

But that first pH does sound pretty dang low, but getting better. Try to measure it throughout the day for a couple of days and track where its swinging.
+1 Hannah, I was just going to bring that up and suggest testing right before the lights come on, and right before they go off that way you can see the difference between the two.
My one head of aiptsia has now turned into 3. The treatment I gave it yesterday did not work any suggestions? The only lfs is closed until Wednesday,
Not 100 on what it was. The guy at the lfs gave it to me. Mixed it and injected it right on the head. There is one big head one one rock and two small ones on another rock on the other side of the tank.
It was a white powder.
Maybe Apstsia X? If you so are probably pouring it out too fast and they are shrinking back into the rock before they eat enough of it.

When my tank was cycling and i had an apstsia on one rock, i pulled that rock out, and right where the pest was i scrubbed it with a toothbrush, pour some lemon juice on it and let it sit for a few minutes, and then poured boiling water on it for a minute or so. I dont know if i was just lucky with this method, but it killed it.
Yes, but i wouldnt wait too long. Those buggers can take over a tank and then be a total nightmare to get rid of.

Also, im not quite sure what you are testing for, but if its the cycle stuff, i would say once a day is plenty
Thanks for the help. I just have a million questions. There is a small orange brown critter on one of the rocks. The thing has clear legs with white dots. It seems to only open up with the light off. Any ideas?