New to the forum

Definitely stay away from the Anemone.
The brown on your sandbed is normal. It will come and go as your tank matures, it's diatoms.
My suggestion to you is NOT to touch the sandbed.
The less you mess with it, the better. There is good bacteria cultivating in there and you don't want to mess with it.
Anemones need stronger lights than 99% of corals out there. They are extremely difficult animals to keep alive, even for "experience" reefers. They require a mature tank that's been up and running for at least 10 months. And if they get sick in your tank, they usually kill everything else in the tank too.

Your lights will be okay for soft corals and some LPS, but if you want to keep most LPS, clams or SPS corals, you will need to upgrade.

You sound like you are on the right track. You've got a good cleaner crew, but may want to invest in a few more snails. Lots of people do not keep hermit crabs, because hermits kill the snails. If you have hermits, you'll constantly be replenishing your snail population. If you like the hermits and you're willing to put up with the trade off, by all means keep them.