New to saltwater


Reefing newb
Hey guys,
Well im 24 years old and have been in the fishtank hobby for 4-5 years now, All fresh water tho! I REALLY REALLY want to start a small saltwater tank with some corals and a few fish/starfish. I have a 29gal bow front tank that was freshwater and now has nothing, What do I need to do to get started? Also what would a nice tank of that size cost to maintain monthly?:helm2:
Your monthly cost to maintain it wont much different than what you do for your fresh really, but the initial cost will be a bit higher.
well, for tank size suggestions, the bigger the better honestly. I started with a 60g and regret it because its too small for me now. The best size to start with is about 90g as more water will dilute your mistakes but will also allow for lots of different fish to be added. So first off, go to look at what fish you want, and then choose your tank size. If I could, I would upgrade to a 180g right now!

for salt water, you dont need the canister filters, or HOB filters. You will need to purchase live rock and a HOB skimmer (skimmers clean wastes and proteins out of the water) one rated for twice the size of your tank is needed)

to keep corals, you will need to have a strong lighting fixture which has about 4 watts per gallon. This will depend on the size of your tank but a good way to go on a 90g would be a T5 system with 6-8 bulbs with individual reflectors.

you will also need a refractometer to check your salinity.

Im sure ive missed something, but everyone else will fill you in. Welcome :)
Hi and welcome....
First thing,bigger is better ,like Josh said.
a 29 is not a terrible size,but you will want to upgrade..I say go very slow...A good HOB will do just fine,IMO,I started out with 2 on a 75 and they were fine for well over a year.Just do weekly rinses on the media...Don't go out and buy all this equipment,just to find out its not what you want to do.
I would clean out your 29,set it up, fill it,and start your cycle.Just about everyone starts with ocellaris clowns(after your cycle ofcourse),throw in a hawkfish and call it a tank..For about 6 months just maintain it and enjoy it....Don't rush,because in a year or 2 you will realize it really didn' t matter how fast you got to where your at (2 years from now):Cheers: Good luck
Thanks for everything guys!! I know bigger is better and I do want a bigger one but for now Im forced to use my 29gal, Due to space in our home and a baby girl on the way! But im sure when we get into a bigger home a BIG tank will be insight, So any thought and help with my 29gal for now is GREAT!!!! I know I'd like to have corals and such!!!
The biggest deciding factor on what equipment you need is the types of corals you want to keep. For example, do you want to keep softies, like zoanthids, mushrooms, and leathers, large polyp stonies (LPS), such as frogspawn, brains, and candy canes, or small polyp stonies (SPS), such as acropora, montipora, and birdsnest? Softies are the best to start with, because they are so easy to care for, and you really only need live rock, a skimmer, a powerhead, and some T5's. LPS are also easy, but their demands are typically a little more varying, but for the most part the same as softies. SPS is where it really starts to be a pain. I've never kept any myself, but you need all of the stuff already mentioned, and a bunch of other stuff that I don't really know about, and metal halides instead of T5's would be a very good idea.
Hey, Well on corals im unsure of what i'd like! Mostly whats eaiser to care for, they all look neat for the most part right? Also here is the list you asked for of fish Im intersted in, I know most I cant have but thought I'd throw it all out there!
If you are wanting corals, then you will have to take the chocolate chip star off the list -- they are not reef-safe.

The remainder of those fish would be fine in a 29 gallon tank, but you will have to narrow the list down some.
Ok, thanks what would everyone reccomend! Also whats the first step to getting this set up, and also what about taking care of it whats involved?
Wont a tank look kinda of lame with out the corals and such? or do they still look nice and do fish still thrive
Not sure what you mean...I have a fish only with live rock....but i always knew i wanted an angel fish,so i got one...i also have 2 nice looking triggers..i guess you'll have to make a decision on what you want..

You can always add tons of mushrooms,which is my plan
I think in a 29 gallon tank, it would look pretty lame without corals. Because you can't really have a lot of fish in a tank that size! Fish will thrive in a fish-only tank, but wanting a chocolate chip star is no reason to pass on having a reef tank. There are many good star options that you can keep with corals!
Bifferwine;369594[B said:
]I think in a 29 gallon tank, it would look pretty lame without corals[/B]. Because you can't really have a lot of fish in a tank that size! Fish will thrive in a fish-only tank, but wanting a chocolate chip star is no reason to pass on having a reef tank. There are many good star options that you can keep with corals!
Good point
Hey, Well on corals im unsure of what i'd like! Mostly whats eaiser to care for, they all look neat for the most part right? Also here is the list you asked for of fish Im intersted in, I know most I cant have but thought I'd throw it all out there!
CLOWNS A pair would be fine
FIREFISH A couple of these
GOBYS One of these would be fine
BLENNEYLook at a Bi-color
MANDARINMake sure its eating frozen,Forget it if you go with the six-line
DAMSEL FISH Not in my tank
Like Biif said.It'll eat your corals.

Hope that helps.:Cheers:
Well, thanks for all the help! Im thinking a fish only for now and slowly move into a reef tank! So which fish on that list would work best! I Really Like Six Lines, and Mandrines!