New to saltwater


Reefing newb
Chris here. Currently living down in Texas on the water. Have spent a lot of my life underwater diving over in Guam. I have had a bunch of tanks along the way but never got into salt before now.

I bought a 75g tank with hang on back filters and skimmer from a guy down the street. Putting the tank in the back of the truck broke a side panel, so I have been reading a lot of the DIY section recently.

I think I finally have the glass replaced and installed with my fingers crossed that the second time is the charm (the first try the tank leaked from the corner).

Im looking forward to filling it up and getting all of the pumps and filters going and start the cycling......I have been doing a lot of reading on here and finially thaught I would post.

Right now the tank is on its side letting the silicone dry before testing tomorrow. I will get some up as soon as I get some water in there.

Welcome aboard Chris.
One thing you'll find out about us,is we all love tank pics.It dont matter if there laying upside down in the bed of your pickup:D
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