New Tank


Reefing newb
I have put the new saltwater that is premixed as well as live sand in my 29 gallon bow front tank. What is a good light to buy, housing and bulbs, for a reef tank. I want to put an anonome and some corals in it as well. I dont want to break the bank since I am on a budget. Can anyone refer me to a nice setup but not too expensive? Also, someone told me that I should have a bubble maker in my tank like an airstone, is this necessary?
You don't want the bubble maker, but you do want powerheads to move the water. Go for a flow of around 30 times your tank volume split between a couple of them.
An anemone will die in new tank- please wait at least a year before trying to keep one.
You will want 1-2 pounds of live rock per gallon of water, so 30-60 pounds or so. This along with your sand will be your main filtration source.
Your light will be your main expense for the keeping of photosynthetic life. Check out some tank builds for lighting ideas.
The biggest thing is to go at it slow. Do not rush into putting alot into the tank right off the bat. You have to let the tank cycle and then you can add corals and one fish. You only want to add one fish or a pair of clowns at a time so your tank cant adapt to the bioload. Good luck I am relatively new to this hobby as well.