New Tank


Soon to be Reef Expert
This is my new tank. 30 gallons. 28lbs of LR (adding more later) 30lbs of LS


You can get mj 1200's from for like 17.00 a piece. You can also get some big aquaclear 4000's off of ebay i pais 20.00 something for 2 powerheads and they give 365 GPH there great powerheads as far as water movment but there large in size. I had two in my 30 and then replaced one with a mj 1200 because there large.
Tank has been set up for about 3 weeks now, i think im getting pretty close to the end of my cycle

Current params are...

PH: 8.1
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: kind of hard to tell because im using the test strips instead of drops for ammonia, but its under .25 and just a little above 0 (going to buy drops within the next few days)

Do you think im ready for a partial water change yet, followed by clean up crew in a couple of weeks? or no
Have your nitrates or nitrites ever been anything but zero? If your tank is done cycling, it is unlikely that nitrates will still be at zero.
When i used the drops, the nitrates are showing up between 0 and 5 ppm, when i used the test strips, its showing up between 0 and 20 ppm (alot closer to 0 than 20) is this not good? it has been as high as 40
Your sandbed maybe the reason why your nitrates are at zero.I went through my cycle and 5 months later still no detectable nitrates.If ammonia,nitrite,and nitrates are at zero,I don't think you would need to do a water change at this early stage.
I'd say if you got some algae,then add a few clean up critters.If you dont have any algae,then maybe add a good hardy fish.
I could be wrong,but it looks to me like your cycled.So i'd put something in there to watch besides sand and rock.
I would add a few cleaners and would'nt do a water change yet. Let it stablize it self alittle longer or if nitrates start to rise.
ok ill probably add some cleaners in about a week when i get paid. so it will be a good thing if my ammonia and nitrite are at 0 and my nitrates rise a little bit?
ok ill probably add some cleaners in about a week when i get paid. so it will be a good thing if my ammonia and nitrite are at 0 and my nitrates rise a little bit?
i would say yes. as far as inverts like crabs and snails are concerned. they will live through really harsh conditions. and if you know how everything breaks down its pretty much a chain starting at ammonia and ending at nitrates. i did have a problem with a big turbo snail getting toxic shock when i started my 36, however my crabs rocked the house. i think i put them at like week 2 or something
I would have to respectfully disagree with that, Redline. In my opinion, inverts like crabs and snails are much more sensitive to poor water conditions than are fish. For example, high nitrates have been known to kill crabs and snails.
I would have to respectfully disagree with that, Redline. In my opinion, inverts like crabs and snails are much more sensitive to poor water conditions than are fish. For example, high nitrates have been known to kill crabs and snails.
I must agree with Biff on this one.... Snails are basically a booger in a shell that lives in the ocean, it doesn't take much to dry out a booger let alone a little slimy snail (AKA letting your salanity get too high). BTW David that rock on the right side of you tank is wicked.