new tank set up help please

Most likely, when you add the sand, it will cloud up the water again. Be sure to rinse your sand out before adding it to your tank. If you use a long funnel, like the kind from a automotive shop for oil changes, with the extra long tube, you can add sand a little at a time with minimim clouding.

no dont rinse it at all since it is real live sand rinsing it will kill all the good things in the sand just dump it in but get the bags on the bottom of the tank and then just dump them geltley on the glass
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Good advice so far! Nothing is wrong with your tank. It's not uncommon for newly mixed water (especially that much) to take several days to clear up. Your salinity is a little high, but not high enough to hurt anything. Just remove some of the saltwater, replace it with fresh, and save the water you removed for your next water change. Once you add the sand, it will probably take another 2 or 3 days for the tank to clear up again.
You could put a filter pad in the cansiter to catch those pieces if they really bother you. Also, in about 4 weeks your going to be posting about how to get rid of hair algae from the tap water. We've all done it though so we will be able to help you out.

Would running some phosguard in a media basket help with future hair algae problems
I agree with everyone...just give it time, your water will clear right up. You should go ahead and add the sand now so that it can settle while the water is clearing up.
well sand is in , water is cloudy (like expected) I got my water salinity down to 1.024.... Shoudl I just let it settle before starting power heads, filters or skimmer ? or go ahead and fire them up...

And if I do start the fluval what media should I go ahead use? I have carbon, bioballs and polishing pads so far..

thanks for everyones help I really do appreciate it, you've eased my mind alot......


The polishing pads will be helpful right now. Those will trap the larger particles in the water. Your salinity is perfect now. Good job! Go ahead and fire your equipment up and wait for everything to settle!
The polishing pads will be helpful right now. Those will trap the larger particles in the water. Your salinity is perfect now. Good job! Go ahead and fire your equipment up and wait for everything to settle!

you guys (and gals) are awesome thanks so much for the help... I found me a new home..... hopefully one day (through trial and error) I'll be able to assist some newbs such as myself... thanks again.

instant ocean does not dissolve completely, it leaves white substances on the bottom of the mixing bucket and gives cloudy water if stirred. I recommend tropic marin reef salt. the LFS I go to stocks it. The tropic marin is made by a german company.
Now that all thats settled.Whats your plans for the tank? Reef,FOWLR?
And we do require pics in exchange for advice.Even if the the tanks still sitting on the floor and is bone dry.:D
Your in good hands here....I used tap as well and you will go through some good alge prblems because of the solids in the water....Just hang in there
Now that all thats settled.Whats your plans for the tank? Reef,FOWLR?
And we do require pics in exchange for advice.Even if the the tanks still sitting on the floor and is bone dry.:D

Well Im thinking about FOWLR just to test the waters however I am going to buy me a good halide light setup but not going to use it until I figure out what im doing all the way.. I read and read and read before I bought anything, but reading and doing is alot different im learning. everything looks good on paper :)

Now before I get my fish Im going to have to sit down and figure that out, because Im wanting a snowflake eel and a Lion fish for sure, but I hear those are horrible fish to have if I decide to get Coral, so Im going to have to consider alot. But first thing is first I have to get this going lol...

I'll get some pics up for sure...

The next thing Im doing is donating to this site and Im going to donate more than the 20 bucks it takes.. I have a feeling Im going to be using you guys alot in the next few weeks, months and maybe even years so untill I can contribute back with advice I'll just have to throw a few bucks to help keep this forum going..

Again thanks for everyones help, Im just sitting watching the sand settle (if it ever does )

Your in good hands here....I used tap as well and you will go through some good alge prblems because of the solids in the water....Just hang in there

Anything I can do now to help prevent as much as possible? I think Im going to buy some phosphate remover and nitrate remover media and run for a while....

I think our wal-mart sells RO water and I have some extra salt.. How bad of an idea would it be to drain my tank down to the sand, premix salt to RO water then add? would that help alot or would I have to rinse the sand to?

I wouldn't bother draining the tank, now that you have it filled. Just use RO water for water changes and top offs from now on, and all the tap water will eventually get changed out.