New Tang

You said he is about the size of a nickle? If so I would feed him twice a day for a while and include mysis, cyclops or cyclopeeze. Thats what I have found to work the best for the little babies.
I have been feeding him frozen cyclops ever three days as everything else in my tank mostly for my duncan corals, he also eats 2 times a day, flake food of two types from ocean nutritions formula one and two... he also, like my other tang gets once a week a piece of sally's seaweed salad a green marine algae

6 days and I think my blue tang things its a green chromis
Did a 4 gallon water change today on my main 29 and now starting on a 2 gallons change on my twenty... very excited to see that my duncan head that turned into three heads is now turning into five heads.. I will give more credit to cyclops and targetr feeding for the fast growth rate and not just the lighting... I am also going to post pictures of baby blue tang it will be 9 days now... and considering I have off today I am goign to make a new frag rack for my tank....
I have a baby hippo tang being held for me at my local pet store. It's the cutest thing ever...the size of a quarter. Problem is: I already have a large yellow tang...I hope they'll get along.
my cupos tang thinks its a chromis cause its schools with my chromis i think, then only fish i had to get rid of was a fire fire cause my tang kept tailen it
adorable little tang...

are you keeping it in a 29 gal? If so, id say you have a few months before needing to remove it. Even baby tangs swim a lot and need plenty of space. You;re good for now but not very long...
I believe i was told the same about my copus tang yet he must be superman to have lived so long with the death warrents everyone put on his head haha
you mean Super Fish :D

Yes, your fish has superpowers, thats that only thing i can think of too for surviving so long...:mrgreen:

Lets hope he doesnt die, because if he does, then both me and you are wrong about its super powers. :Cheers:
