New powerheads?


I am a girl
Someone posted a link a while back to these powerheads that are run magnetically through the glass, so the cord doesn't ever go in the water. I am going to buy new powerheads (because the voltage leaking out of my current four K3s makes me uneasy), and am interested in looking into these ones. Anyone remember what they are?
Those look exactly like what I was talking about.

BUT HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT PRICE TAG!?!?! Are there any...ahhh...cheaper alternatives that use the same technology? I seriously cannot spend $2000 on four powerheads :shock:
Ah okay. I don't think I'd want only one though... Still. Besides Koralias, what are some good powerheads that are less than $100 apiece?
I will have to look at the LFS here. I could of sworn he had one that was 300gph ish for around 80 bucks? I could be wrong though as I wasn't really interested in em. I will stop by there monday if they aren't open when I go to town here in a few hours and let you know exactly what they are.
Be careful if you do mod it. Do a little at a time because if you go full out you will blast everything. I just trimmed little by little until I found what I needed. I'm guessing I'm around 850 gph or so. You can easily get it up over 1,200.
ok that guy was off his rocker. he told me the motor was outside the tank but when i opened it it was just a regular magnet mount is all
You know Biff if my theory is correct on how voltage gets in our tanks those new type powerheads will still generate voltage in the tank still requiring the grounding bar.
You know Biff if my theory is correct on how voltage gets in our tanks those new type powerheads will still generate voltage in the tank still requiring the grounding bar.

Yeah, I am still going to use a grounding rod. IMO one should be in every tank regardless of what kind of equipment one uses. It's just that my powerheads shouldn't be leaking out as much voltage as they are. I think they are old, and Justin (Mng) and I discussed it a bit today and I'm scared of them getting worse.

How about these Biff from your favorite company-Octopus

OctoPump CV-202B Premium Aquatics

Oh man -- Octopumps! I even like the name. Those are very affordable and the reviews seem good. I'm going to do some more research on them. Thanks!
Yeah, I am still going to use a grounding rod. IMO one should be in every tank regardless of what kind of equipment one uses. It's just that my powerheads shouldn't be leaking out as much voltage as they are. I think they are old, and Justin (Mng) and I discussed it a bit today and I'm scared of them getting worse.

Oh man -- Octopumps! I even like the name. Those are very affordable and the reviews seem good. I'm going to do some more research on them. Thanks!

My theory is they aren't leaking anything. They are generating. Nothing from the actual power running the motor is getting into the tank. The electricity in the tank is being generated by the friction of the powerheads turning is all. These motors are hermetically sealed motors so the chances of them getting electricity directy from the wires to the saltwater are very very slim. Also if they were to do that they should immediatly trip the breakers. If if will give you guys peace of mind go for it but I feel your about to spend money that could go to other things.

Also those octopumps look like they are magnet mount with the cord still in the tank.

The mag drive pumps could reduce voltage generated in that they move the magnetic field to the tank wall versus in the tank. To generate electricity you need a magnetic flux(the pump makes this), conductor capabple of carrying current(saltwater), and relative motion(yep its movin alright). I'm using theory here and not exactly real world experience. I'm more of a mechanical type that has taken electricity as a hobby/job.