unfortunatly she has sole custody. and here in the deep south it's very hard to prove a mother unfit. even when she gets fired from work for testing positive for meth, here whole families is in jail for it, and she shacks up with a different dope head with a string of felonies every month. hell, i can't even get a lawyer to take my case. my daughter even tested positive for meth when she was three! i had a hair folical test done, the most reliable availible. and all i got to hear is that their is no way to prove that she got into that at her mothers house!
so yea, i can feel for you with the baby mamma drama. if it isn't for the fact that i'm re-married, and have two more children, then i would have allready went postal on several people. it's the only thing that has stopped me.
my daughter is now 8 years old. so maybe before long she can decide if she want's to live with me. i would love to get her out of all that.