New Live Rock Pics


Reef enthusiast
Hey guys and gals. Just got my the first half of my live rock home and I know how picture crazy we all are so I thought Id share.



I got 135 pounds today and will be getting the rest in a few weeks. Its got some hair algae but its not terrible. I got 10 or so mushroom hitchhikers and a few red legged hermits that Ive found so far. Hope you all enjoy!:mrgreen:
Got a few die off spots today. I hope this isnt going to get major. Got the skimmer in today ,waiting for it to break in. Also put in another maxi-jet (that makes the count two 12s and a seio.) Got the heater in an temp up to 78, Im keeping the temp a little low due to the fact that everything is in the greenhouse. Tried hooking up my canister filter and realize that it doesnt work oh well it was free. Picking up a new one tomorrow.

On a side note has any one used pura phoslock? I was recommended it by the LFS and hope I didnt taken for a ride as its pretty spendy stuff. Also Im running Black Diamond carbon.
On a side note has any one used pura phoslock? I was recommended it by the LFS and hope I didnt taken for a ride as its pretty spendy stuff. Also Im running Black Diamond carbon.
I have not personally tried it and the reviews ssem to be mixed. i have not heard anyone of reknown give an opinion. Chemically speaking though, I know of nothing that works better than ferric iron.
Who makes it, and does it even hint at its contents? It is not available in Fairbanks, Alaska and i have not seen any adds online yet.
As far as carbon goes, the best I have found as for its clarifying properties and low level of phosphates is just plain old Culligan brand GAC. It is a lot of carbon for your money.
Heres a link to the Phos-lok. Granulated Ferous hydroxide oxide?
:grumble: Sorry Ryan, but they got ya. Still just plain old common Granulated Ferric Hydroxide. They even said GFH and distinguished it from aluminum based. I guess that made them feeling OK in charging 400 percent more for the same product as Drs. Foster and Smith charges for their house brand.
Granulated Ferric Hydroxide under any other name is still Granulated Ferric Hydroxide. If one worries about particles coming from a PhosBan reactor all they need do is either run the discharge through a fine mesh bag or better yet feed the discharge into their protein skimmer inlet. The skimmer will remove the particles. Other wise winnow it in front of a fan. Meaning pour it out slowly in front of a fan and the fine particles will blow away from the course particles effectively separating them.:^:
I was definately had! Live and learn I guess. First phosban purchase was definately a snow job. Hopefully it works!
Its entirely my fault for not researching before I bought. I just knew I need a phos extracting substance and thats what they had. Lesson learned. New shop to me that comes with high regards in my local circle.
everyone makes mistakes, i myself have been taken for several rides at the LFS' cash registers so i have no room to look down at you for it
Bad part about knowing what it is , is when you can not take advantage of the knowledge. The local water treatment plant gets it in 50 pound bags for about $16 a bag, but can not or will not sell any of it. Down there it might be worth Goggling it and seeing where or if it is available locally. It is used in sewer and water treatment plants with high amounts of phosphates in their effluents. Also some industry that produce a lot of phosphate wastes in solution are required to pretreat there discharges with Ferric Hydroxide. Same places make the stuff for all applications, no special handling or processing for that sold to the aquarium industry re packers.
nice rocks ryan, this is all for your 180gal right? I have a rena xp2 on my 80 gal. I have not been super impressed with it, but i guess my expectations may be a bit high. If i keep it clean and keep the bioload down it works out pretty well.
I was told to occasionally "feed" my live rock. What should I be feeding? Would a pinch of flake food( I know phosphate, nitrates etc) be suffice or should I get something else?