New Leds on the 90


Reefing newb
The finished clean up with the new lights -so far so good! some before and after pictures major changes in the last two months luckily tank has a strong base and all parameters remain balanced
you may not agree with this but-topledseller-e-bay 2ea, 165w 90deg full spectrum two channel manual dimmer(will be auto soon)pretty much the same as the reefbreeders stuff with out the bells and whistles-but now I want the bells and whistles-at least the ramp up and down.this is replacing 550w T-5 vho/ho. System been on the tank(90g) for six days good pe on the corals, frags encrusting plugs- clam happy- we will see, I,m finding it harder to acclimate to it than the animals in the tank! my eyes are killing me-14"above tank 75%
blue 85% white
Yes it is- just moved them back .500" and in .750" to center over corals trying to reduce the shadowing thinking about dropping them a inch also? seems like everybody runs the blue channel a little higher than the white I,m doing just the opposite-I guess if the animals like it I should too
just such a different look-never saw flouresents like I do now with the T-5s
I run mine at 75 and 75%, I don't care for the blue look either. You can always drop the intensity as you drop the lights, then ramp them back up.
Cheap camera and leds don,t mix-camera makes it much more blue than what it is- two ebay black boxes replacing 8 tubes of t5 (four tubes vho 85w four tubes ho 54w) just put four tubes back on to supplement leds-cut down on shadowing and color tweaking easier to change a bulb out than a diode. In June when my Son gets his grad gift I will post some real pictures- that system has changed a bit