New Frags


I'm that guy
Went to a buddies today and he gave me some browned out SPS frags. One looks like a staghorn of some type and I got a couple birdsnest frags. Any tips on how to get these to color up?
Get them under some decent lights, you'll have to acclimate to the light of course but get them in the proper light with great water quality and let them show you what they have to offer.
My buddy's tank looks alright, but I didnt have the heart to tell him that most of his SPS's were browned out and needed some serious attention. He thinks his tank is awesome and thats all that matters. Also, he has a major cyano problem and algae issues. It might have something to do with the prism skimmer.
Sounds like a water quality issue for sure. The prism is facilitating it but its the result of a lack of testing IME/IMO
Thats funny because I asked him if he tested his water for Alk, Calc, Phosphates, Nitrates and he said NEVER. And this is a dominate SPS tank.
That would explain why there browned out.Proper calcium,alkalinity,and magnesium are as important to SPS as the right lights and flow are.
Another think that concerns me about his tank, is that the SPS have grown, but they seem very thin, especially the montis. They look very brittle, unlike mine that have some girth to them. What causes that to happen?