New fishes!!!

I found the small one dead :(. Looks like the sixline killed him. He was the smallest and looked weak. It is his fault I guess. the other two get along with the sixline great now. they can go right in front of it without getting bit at. Eveybody is getting along great :). I will get another one from the LFS becuase they trust me.
got my 55 ooff of craig's list for 125.00.sort of set up gonna put in a fuge after the holiday's Its great you can see what's in your area..check ou pic's in tank showcase forum its under "my 55 w/T-5's"
I won't lie to them. they love me up there and it was a 10$ fish. My LFS will understand. Well when I put it in my tank it was the smallest,tail was ripped, and it was the last one to come out. My LFS is reallly nice and they will probaly get me another one.