new fish

Yeah man I forgot about getting a Powder Blue ever since I learned about them. I still want one but I doubt I will ever get one. Too much trouble. I also heard Hippos can be the same but so far so good.

I am almost about to buy a 220Gal if I can just so I can get a Naso Tang(and maybe a yellow) and have a Hippo just waiting to be moved. Just gotta be sure I am going to be able to refinish the stand up the standards of my furniture.

Back on topic.

Man none my fish had an issue with the clip. They all from the beginning just flew to it.

Weird thing is that when I put one on it they all pick at it. I thought it would only be a few of them but they all nip at it and then in the morning it is all gone. I never find it but can't figure out how they eat it all every time.