new fish to my DT

you just HAD to answer that ... didn't you ??!! no way, no how will i ever trust an angelfish in MY tank.
Notice for the price,they said "CALL" ?
That usually mean they your right arm,left leg,and first born.
could you imagine if the fish didn't survive shipping and you got shafted on the money? I would kill someone, or hire yote to off them.
for that price they had better hand deliver the damn thing to my front door in person! and acclimate it too!
nope, never seen OR heard of it, but the price aint to bad. something to look into. thanks for the link !! that is one good looking fish.
Yes,it looks like a gorgeous tang.Something I never seen local reefers have nor the LFS.I might take the plunge and get it since its not in stock very often at Blue Zoo.I bought many things from them,a good place to get livestock.